What Are The Names Of Gardening Shears?

If you’re a green thumb enthusiast, you probably spend a significant amount of time tending to your beloved plants. And when it comes to pruning and shaping, having the right tool is crucial. But with countless options available, it can be overwhelming to know which gardening shears are best suited for your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the various names of gardening shears, helping you navigate through the vast array of choices and find the perfect pair to keep your garden looking its best. Whether you’re a professional horticulturist or a casual gardener, get ready to discover the names of gardening shears that will revolutionize the way you care for your plants.

The Different Types of Gardening Shears

Gardening shears are essential tools for any gardener, and knowing the different types available can help you choose the right one for your specific gardening needs. Here, we will explore the various types of gardening shears, their uses, and the benefits they offer.

Pruning Shears

Pruning shears, also known as secateurs or hand pruners, are one of the most commonly used types of gardening shears. These shears have a scissor-like design with two curved blades that come together to make clean cuts. Pruning shears are ideal for cutting and trimming small branches, twigs, and stems. They are versatile tools suitable for both professional gardeners and amateurs alike.

Hedge Shears

Hedge shears are designed specifically for trimming and shaping hedges, shrubs, and bushes. These shears have long, straight blades that allow you to make precise cuts to create straight lines and smooth edges. Hedge shears come in various sizes, with longer blades being ideal for larger hedges and shorter blades for more intricate trimming tasks.

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Floral Shears

Floral shears, sometimes called flower scissors or snips, are designed for cutting flowers, herbs, and delicate plants without damaging them. These shears have long, slender blades with sharp tips, allowing you to reach into tight spaces and make precise cuts. Floral shears are commonly used by florists and gardeners who work with delicate plants and flowers.

Bypass Shears

Bypass shears, also known as bypass pruners, operate similarly to scissors, with one blade passing by the other. These shears are commonly used for cutting live branches and stems, as they provide clean and precise cuts. Bypass shears are suitable for both small and medium-sized branches, making them versatile tools for pruning and trimming tasks.

Anvil Shears

Anvil shears have a different design compared to bypass shears. With an anvil shear, one blade connects with a flat surface, called the anvil, to make the cut. These shears are typically used for cutting dead or woody branches that may be too tough for bypass shears. Anvil shears offer more cutting power, but they may crush delicate stems if used on them.


Snips, also known as pruning snips or hand snips, are small-sized gardening shears designed for precision cutting. These shears have short blades and are perfect for trimming flowers, herbs, and small branches. Snips offer excellent maneuverability, making them suitable for intricate gardening tasks. They are generally lightweight and easy to handle.

Topiary Shears

Topiary shears are specialty shears used for creating topiaries, which are ornamental plants shaped into specific designs. These shears have long, narrow blades with pointed tips, allowing you to create precise cuts and intricate shapes. Topiary shears are commonly used by gardeners who enjoy the art of shaping plants and creating visually appealing garden features.

Grass Shears

Grass shears, as the name suggests, are specifically designed for trimming grass in hard-to-reach areas. These shears have long blades with serrated edges, making it easier to cut through thick grass and create clean edges along paths, fences, or flower beds. Grass shears are an essential tool for maintaining a neat and well-manicured lawn.

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Edging Shears

Edging shears are similar to grass shears, but with a different blade orientation. These shears have horizontal blades that allow you to cut along the edges of pathways, borders, or beds. Edging shears are perfect for precise trimming and creating clean lines, ensuring your garden looks tidy and well-defined.

Fruit Shears

Fruit shears, also known as grape shears or harvest shears, are specially designed for harvesting fruits and vegetables. These shears have short, curved blades that enable you to make clean and precise cuts without damaging the surrounding produce. Fruit shears are ideal for harvesting small fruits, such as grapes, berries, or cherry tomatoes.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Gardening Shears

When selecting the right gardening shears for your needs, there are several factors you should consider. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision and ensure that the shears you choose are suited to your gardening tasks.

Pruning Needs

Consider the specific pruning tasks you will be performing. Are you mainly trimming small branches and stems, or will you be dealing with larger, woody branches? Understanding the pruning needs of your plants will guide you towards the right type of shears.

Hand Size

Make sure the shears you choose are comfortable to grip and use. Shears come in various handle sizes and shapes, so consider your hand size and choose a pair that allows you to maintain a firm grip without strain or discomfort.

Blade Material

The blade material is crucial for the cutting performance and durability of your shears. Stainless steel blades are corrosion-resistant and retain their sharpness for longer periods. High-carbon steel blades are ideal for heavy-duty tasks but may require more maintenance to prevent rusting.

Handle Design

The handle design affects the overall comfort and maneuverability of the shears. Look for ergonomic handles with non-slip grips to ensure a sturdy and comfortable grip, even during extended use. Some shears also have adjustable handles, allowing you to modify the handle width to fit your hand size.

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Locking Mechanism

A locking mechanism is essential for safe storage and transportation of your shears. Look for shears with a reliable locking mechanism that keeps the blades securely closed when not in use, preventing accidental cuts and damage to the blades.

Maintenance and Care Tips for Gardening Shears

Proper maintenance and care of your gardening shears will prolong their lifespan and ensure optimal performance. Here are some essential tips to keep your shears in excellent condition:

Clean and Dry after Use

After each use, remove any debris, sap, or dirt from the blades and handles. Use a soft cloth or a brush to gently clean the shears. Ensure the blades are completely dry before storing them to prevent rusting.

Sharpen the Blades Regularly

Sharp blades are essential for clean and efficient cuts. Regularly sharpen your shears using a sharpening stone or a file. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct sharpening technique, and take care not to over-sharpen, as this can damage the blade.

Apply Lubricant

Apply a lubricant, such as mineral oil or silicone spray, to the pivot point and the blades to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation. Always wipe off any excess lubricant before using the shears to avoid staining plants or soil.

Store in a Dry Place

Moisture is the enemy of gardening shears. Store your shears in a dry place to prevent rust and corrosion. Consider hanging them on hooks or storing them in a dedicated sheath or case to protect the blades and prevent accidental injury.

Replace or Repair Damaged Parts

Inspect your shears regularly for any signs of damage or wear. If you notice loose screws, damaged blades, or any other issues, consider replacing or repairing the affected parts. It’s important to address any damage promptly to avoid compromising the performance and safety of your shears.


Choosing the right gardening shears is essential for maintaining the health and beauty of your plants. Whether you need pruning shears for small branches or hedge shears for shaping bushes, consider your specific gardening needs, hand size, blade material, handle design, and locking mechanism. Remember to regularly clean, sharpen, and lubricate your shears, and store them in a dry place. With proper maintenance and care, your gardening shears will serve you well for years to come. Happy gardening!