What Garden Tool Is This Used For Digging Small Holes?

Imagine you’re standing in your backyard, ready to start planting new flowers or vegetables in your garden. As you reach for your trusted gardening tools, you come across a peculiar one – you can’t quite figure out what it’s used for. You examine its shape and size, wondering, “What garden tool is this used for digging small holes?” In this article, we will uncover the mystery behind this elusive tool, exploring its functionality and how it can help enhance your gardening experience. Get ready to unearth the answer to this puzzling question!


If you’re an avid gardener or just starting out with your own green space, having the right tools is essential. One important task that often comes up in gardening is digging small holes. Whether you’re planting bulbs, transplanting seedlings, or simply loosening soil, having the right garden tools for digging can make your task much easier and more efficient. In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at various garden tools for digging small holes, including their features, how to use them, and some recommended brands.

Garden Tools for Digging

When it comes to digging small holes in your garden, there are several tools that can come in handy. Let’s explore each of these tools in detail.

Hand Trowel

One of the most basic and essential tools for digging small holes in your garden is a hand trowel. This handheld tool typically has a metal scoop-shaped blade with a pointed tip and a handle. Hand trowels come in a variety of sizes, with the blade width ranging from 2 to 6 inches.


The features of a hand trowel can vary depending on the brand and model. However, most hand trowels are made of durable materials such as stainless steel or carbon steel. They usually have an ergonomic handle for comfortable grip and may also come with measurement markings on the blade for accurate planting depths.

How to Use

Using a hand trowel is quite simple. First, identify the spot where you want to dig a small hole. Hold the handle firmly and insert the blade into the soil at a slight angle, using your wrist to push and scoop the soil away. Continue digging until you reach the desired depth. Once you’re done, carefully remove the trowel and set the soil aside.

Recommended Brands

Some well-known brands that offer high-quality hand trowels for digging include Fiskars, Corona, and Wilcox All-Pro. It’s always a good idea to look for tools from reputable brands that prioritize durability and functionality.

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Garden Spade

Another useful tool for digging small holes in your garden is a garden spade. Unlike a hand trowel, a garden spade has a larger and broader blade, making it ideal for digging deeper or wider holes.


A garden spade typically has a flat, rectangular-shaped blade with a sharpened edge. The blade is attached to a long handle, allowing for better leverage and control. Garden spades are commonly made of materials like stainless steel or forged carbon steel, ensuring durability and strength.

How to Use

To use a garden spade, start by selecting the spot where you want to dig a hole. Position the spade vertically near the edge of the designated area. Using your foot, apply downward pressure on the blade, allowing it to penetrate the soil. Once the blade is in, lean back slightly, using your body weight to drive the spade deeper into the ground. Repeat this process until you have reached the desired depth.

Recommended Brands

When it comes to garden spades, brands like Spear & Jackson, Fiskars, and Ames have gained a reputation for producing high-quality tools. Look for spades with sturdy construction, comfortable handles, and sharp blades for optimal performance.

Garden Shovel

For tougher digging tasks, like removing plants with deep roots or breaking through dense soil, a garden shovel can be a valuable tool.


Garden shovels typically have a curved, scoop-shaped blade that is larger and broader compared to a spade. The blade is attached to a long handle, allowing for better leverage and power. They are commonly made of strong materials like tempered steel or fiberglass, ensuring durability and resistance to rust.

How to Use

Using a garden shovel requires a bit more strength and effort compared to a spade. Start by positioning the blade of the shovel near the edge of the area where you want to dig. Apply downward pressure on the shovel with your foot to penetrate the soil. Once the blade is in, lean back, using your body weight to dig deeper. Use a rocking motion with the shovel to loosen the soil and continue digging until you reach the desired depth.

Recommended Brands

Popular brands for garden shovels include True Temper, Bully Tools, and Fiskars. Look for shovels with strong handles, sturdy blade attachments, and ergonomic designs for comfortable use over extended periods.

Garden Fork

If you’re dealing with compacted soil or need to aerate your garden beds, a garden fork can be a valuable tool for digging small holes.


A garden fork typically has four sturdy, flat tines attached to a long handle. The tines are designed to penetrate the soil and lift it, allowing for better aeration and drainage. Garden forks are commonly made of durable materials like hardened steel or stainless steel, ensuring longevity and resistance to bending.

How to Use

To use a garden fork, position it over the area you want to dig, with the tines touching the ground. Insert the fork into the soil, using your foot to drive it in deeper. Once the tines are in, tilt the handle back slightly and pull upwards to lift the soil. Continue this process in a rocking motion to loosen the soil and break up any clumps.

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Recommended Brands

Brands like Radius Garden, Fiskars, and Spear & Jackson are known for producing reliable garden forks. Look for forks with sturdy tines, comfortable handles, and features like ergonomic grips to prevent hand fatigue during use.

Bulb Planter

If you enjoy planting bulbs in your garden, a bulb planter can be a handy tool for digging precise holes at the appropriate depth.


Bulb planters are typically cylindrical tools with a sharpened bottom edge and a long handle. They come in various sizes, depending on the desired bulb depth. Bulb planters are often made of durable materials like stainless steel or carbon steel to withstand repeated use.

How to Use

Using a bulb planter is straightforward. First, select the area where you want to plant the bulbs. Position the planter vertically over the spot and push it into the soil using downward pressure. Twist the planter slightly to cut into the soil and create a hole. Once the hole is deep enough, release the soil by pulling up the bulb planter. Plant the bulb in the hole and cover it with soil.

Recommended Brands

Brands like Bond Manufacturing, Wilcox All-Pro, and Eckman offer reliable bulb planters. Look for planters with sturdy construction, comfortable handles, and a sharp cutting edge for clean and precise holes.

Other Tools for Digging Small Holes

In addition to the aforementioned tools, there are a few other tools that can be useful for digging small holes in your garden. Let’s take a quick look at these tools.

Hand Auger

A hand auger is a spiral-shaped tool designed to dig small holes quickly. It usually consists of a rotating handle and a pointed auger bit. Hand augers are primarily used for drilling holes for planting bulbs or installing small posts.


Hand augers typically have a sturdy construction with a sharp auger bit made of materials like steel or carbon steel. They come in different sizes, allowing you to choose the right diameter for your specific needs.

How to Use

To use a hand auger, simply position the auger bit over the spot where you want to dig a hole. Apply downward pressure and rotate the handle in a clockwise motion. The auger bit will gradually dig into the soil, creating a hole. Continue rotating until you’ve reached the desired depth.

Recommended Brands

Brands like Garden Weasel, Yard Butler, and Power Planter are known for their reliable hand augers. Look for augers with durable construction, comfortable grips, and sharp auger bits for efficient drilling.

Hori Hori Knife

A hori hori knife, also known as a Japanese soil knife, is a versatile tool that can be used for digging, cutting, and weeding. While it’s not specifically designed for digging holes, it can come in handy for small hole digging tasks.

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Hori hori knives typically have a strong, stainless steel blade with a sharp edge on one side and a serrated edge on the other. The blade is attached to a comfortable handle, allowing for precise control and maneuverability.

How to Use

To dig a small hole with a hori hori knife, start by selecting the spot where you want to dig. Position the blade at an angle and push it into the soil using a sawing motion. With the sharp edge, you can penetrate tough soil or roots with ease. Once the hole is deep enough, use the serrated edge to break up any clumps of soil or roots.

Recommended Brands

Brands like Nisaku, Barebones, and Bond Manufacturing offer reliable hori hori knives. Look for knives with a full tang blade, durable handle materials, and a protective sheath for safe storage.

Post Hole Digger

If you need to dig deeper and wider holes, especially for installing fence posts or wooden poles, a post hole digger can be a valuable tool.


Post hole diggers consist of two long handles connected by a hinge mechanism. At the end of each handle, there are sharp, scoop-shaped blades for digging into the ground. The tool is designed to remove soil in a cylindrical shape, creating a hole.

How to Use

Using a post hole digger requires some physical effort, as the tool is larger and heavier. Start by positioning the blades of the digger at the desired spot for the hole. Grip the handles firmly and squeeze them together, bringing the blades into the ground. Open the handles apart to close the blades and lift out the soil. Continue this process, alternating between gripping and lifting, until you’ve reached the desired depth.

Recommended Brands

Brands like Seymour Midwest, Ames, and True Temper offer reliable post hole diggers. Look for diggers with sturdy blades, reinforced handles, and features like cushioned grips to reduce hand fatigue.

Stand-up Weeder

For removing weeds and digging small holes simultaneously, a stand-up weeder can be a practical tool to have in your gardening arsenal.


Stand-up weeders usually have a long handle with a forked or claw-shaped attachment at the bottom. The attachment is designed to dig into the ground and extract weeds with their roots intact, making it easier to prevent regrowth.

How to Use

To dig a small hole with a stand-up weeder, start by stepping on the pedal or lever of the tool to engage the claws into the soil. Twist the handle slightly to loosen the soil around the weed. Once the weed is loose, lift the handle to extract the weed and any surrounding soil. Repeat this process to dig additional holes or remove more weeds.

Recommended Brands

Popular brands for stand-up weeders include Fiskars, CobraHead, and Yard Butler. Look for weeders with sturdy construction, comfortable handles, and sharp claws for effective weed removal and hole digging.


Having the right garden tools for digging small holes in your garden is essential for a successful gardening experience. Hand trowels, garden spades, garden shovels, garden forks, and bulb planters are all excellent choices for specific digging tasks. Additionally, tools like hand augers, hori hori knives, post hole diggers, and stand-up weeders offer additional options for digging small holes with ease. When selecting your tools, consider the features, ease of use, and durability. By using the right tools for the job, you’ll be able to dig small holes efficiently and enjoy the process of creating a beautiful garden.